Monday 30 October 2017


A few weeks ago, my loyal reader asked why I hadn't blogged for a while. I can only apologise for my tardiness, but I had some important business to attend to. That, and the fact that I had nothing to report. However, things have changed. I have had a revelation: life is full of little mysteries. They are, as follows:

1. D-STAR: Why does no one use it? Why can I only receive it in one corner of my living room (lounge, for you posh gits)? Why does it sound like Jacques Cousteau?
2. DMR: Why do even fewer people use it than use D-STAR? Why does it sound like Jacques Cousteau saying 'Second Class Return to Nottingham, please'?
3. Fusion/C4FM: Why do the people who used to use it not use it anymore? Where have all the repeaters gone? What really happens when you hold the DX button?
4. What the hell is FT8, and why should I care? Why can't I decode it or JT65 or WSPR or the rest of them?
5. What is the point of APRS? Why do folk display the little car when they're at home?
6. Why can't I remember the password for this blog?

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