Sunday 16 January 2011

Has it really been 2 years?

Well, has it? It appears that I've not posted to this thing since the 1st of February 2009! What have I been doing since then? Absolutely nothing, or so I thought. I was looking at some old photographs and found one or two with an Amateur Radio theme.

Firstly, from May 2009. yet another shot of the Magnum Rally:

Is it my imagination, or are there more people at this one than in previous years? No, you're correct, it is my imagination. I didn't bother to take a camera in May 2010.

Next, here's a photo from Blackpool in April 2010. I decided to jump on a train or two and have a day out at the seaside. This picture was taken on a mobile phone, which explains why the quality is even worse than usual.

Believe it or not, it was actually quite busy, though not as busy as it used to be, according to two gentlemen representing the RSGB. I was still amazed by the amount of stuff there and felt that it was well worth the journey. I hope to go back this year, and maybe spend some money, though I may have difficulty remembering where to go. I'm getting old, you see; so old that it was suggested that I join the RAOTA (Radio Amateur Old Timers' Association). It must be the way I walk.

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