Wednesday 25 April 2007


Is this frequency in use?

Hello. Welcome to the blog for GM0JHE, an amateur radio station from Scotland.

Rather than do something useful, like build a wee accessory for the station, make an antenna more efficient, wipe the cobwebs off the morse key or even write out some QSL cards, I decided to start a blog. Unknown to the world of amateur radio, or to the real world, I've already got a blog, and I've posted on it half a dozen times since I set it up about a year ago. When you consider that I've still to finish the logbook I started when the station was licenced in March 1988, I think it's obvious that there won't be a lot of action on this blog, either.

Every spring, I promise myself that I'll get back on the air and that I'll start to re-learn the morse I've forgotten. I have fanciful ideas about taking the radio on holiday in the summer and operating from the hotel or the car or even going portable, and I always seem to pick a book from the shelf and look for a circuit to build. Like good Scottish weather, this enthusiasm is short-lived. There's not much point in having serious plans for this blog as none of them will come to fruition, so I'll just play it by ear. Perhaps I'll report on a rally I've been to (the Magnum is coming up in a few weeks, for example) or a contest I've tried to make a few contacts in (there's CQ WW WPX SSB at the end of May) or I'll remember to turn on the 6m rig when I come home from the salt mines and there'll be some Sporadic-E. Maybe not.

Anyway, I'm just posting this to try out a layout for the blog.

...- .-

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