Saturday 28 December 2013

Old habits die hard

Since my last update, I have done nothing radio-related. It’s not for the want of trying. I hoped I could work someone during the ARRL 10m contest during the weekend of the 15/16 December. Ten was open, but signals were too weak for me to even begin to believe that any good would come of it. I also had a listen round the bands during the CQWW CW contest, but came to the conclusion that it had become an event for computers, and for superman and other such freaks of nature or fiction. If I wanted to cheat, I could, but I it’s not my style. It’s time that either a wpm limit was enforced on this and other contests. It’s my opinion. The Internet is all about opinions, and cats, obviously.

I plucked the FT-60E from the shelf just before I started to type this, and before the battery went flat, there was the usual display of poor operating and general idiocy on the local repeater. I don’t wish to sound like some old duffer from the Home Counties with handlebar moustache and regimental tie, but the free licence has only succeeded in encouraging more and more of the lower orders on to the bands, and no one, from their tutors to the authorities, appears to be capable of arresting the decline, no pun intended.

I have tried to fix the problems with some of the earlier blogs, and I hope I've been successful. I've still to do Part 2 of the RSGB convention. Give me time. What do you mean two and a half months is long enough?