Friday 23 August 2013

Latest news

It goes without saying that not much has happened in the last month.

1. I've had one attempt so far at setting up the UV-5R, but it really can't be done efficiently without the software, a program called CHIRP. This software appears to be updated on a daily basis, so I will have to download the current version at the time I intend to programme the rig. By the looks of it, I have to take an image of the (default?) setup (Radio --> Download From Radio), then edit the data, which looks like it is displayed in a spreadsheet format. What could possibly go wrong? 

2. I am famous for doing one thing when I'm supposed to be doing another. Instead of working on programming the UV-5R, I decided to set up memories on the FT-60. It's not that difficult to do:
  • You select the frequency you want by direct entry on the keypad or by using the tuning dial. 
  • Once the frequency is displayed, you press the F/W key (bottom right-hand corner of the keypad) and hold until a row of dots appears on the display, and a number flashes in the top left of the display. 
  • This is the next available memory channel, and you can change this to the one you want by using the tuning dial. Press and hold F/W again, and MEM-IN will be displayed. 
  • The leftmost dot flashes, so now turn the dial to display the desired character of the name. 
  • Use the Up arrow key to advance to the next title character to be entered. 
  • Pressing F/W for the final time stores the title.
  • If you want to check that it has been stored, press the V/M key (bottom left-hand corner) to go from VFO to Memory, and use the tuning dial to scroll through the memory channels until you reach the one you seek.
  • You can also scan by pressing and holding either the Up or Down arrow keys. Guess which key makes it scan up or down.
  • Repeat until funny all your desired frequencies have been stored.
Next time, I may mention repeaters. May.

3. I have a new HF/50MHz rig. I have switched it on three times since I brought it home two weeks ago. 

4. If I'm still here, I'll be going to the RSGB (Centenary) Convention in October. I have decided to go by train via London. How I'm going to get from Milton Keynes Central to Horwood House I don't know. How I'm going to get back to London for 5pm on the Sunday is anyone's guess.

Tune in next week/month/year (delete as applicable) for the next exciting episode. With photos.

p.s. I hate this layout. Bear with me.