Sunday 1 February 2009

Latest news

Haven't you noticed that this blog is like buses? You wait for ages then three come along!

Apart from blogging about ancient history, today I have been mostly trying to update my web page on and making a copy of it on Demon. There is much work to be done. Isn't there always?

GM0JHE on Demon

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside 2

Look familiar? Yes, it's Irvine, again.

Look familiar? Yes, it's a sparsely attended Magnum Rally, again. (Honest, it's not a photo from 2007.)

I won't be attending this year, unless I've nothing better to do. If it's scheduled for the same weekend as the last 2 years, I do have something better to do, and shall not darken the door of the Magnum in 2009. Sadly, this means I will be unable to get lost trying to get in and out of Irvine. I'm gutted.

And finally...

(The impact of this momentous item of news is lessened somewhat by the fact that it's taken 15 months to report it!)

At long last, I have started another logbook. Don't get too excited, though. I'm still on the first page, some 15 months later...

Farewell, old logbook. It was nice knowing you.